Coalition of AGs Urge Amazon, Facebook, eBay, Craigslist, and Walmart to Monitor for Compliance with State Laws. Source: Maryland Attorney General
Law Enforcement Remains Active and Committed To Protecting the Public. Soiurce: DOJ, District of Maryland
The state’s Office of Legislative Audits, which conducted the probe after a corruption scandal rocked the hospital network in 2019, sent the findings of the 100-page review Friday to key lawmakers in Annapolis.B Source: Baltimore Sun
Falseluy Told Victims They Won a Lottery or Sweepstakes, but Needed to Pay Taxes or Fees in Order to Receive the Prize. Source: U.S. Attorney, District of Maryland
Paid More Than $42,500 in Bribes to Delegate Cheryl Glenn in Exchange for her Official Actions Benefitting Lucas’ Companies. Source: U.S. Attorney, District of Maryland
Agency’s fraud detection unit has prevented millions of dollars in questionable returns from being disbursed. Source: Maryland Comptroller
She blames another boutique partner for not disclosing the $20,000 that Pugh illegally solicited from moneyman J.P. Grant.Source: Baltimore Brew
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